Monday, February 21, 2011

New doula client!

Well, I have had a very busy last couple of weeks with traveling and school work, but apparently I've done something right because JUST as that busy-ness is ending, I've gotten my first prenatal client! It was a last minute call, but she has not yet gone into labor. This will be the first time that I even know of my client before she's 5cm dilated. We're meeting tomorrow, unless she goes into labor prior to that, and I'm just so excited to be able to get to know her, talk to her about her hopes, fears and expectations, and generally prep for this birth in ways I've never been able to. What a rush! It will be my first prenatal meeting as well though, I hope it goes well. I'm a little nervous about that part!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I just found that you moved your doula stuff to this blog! Your travel blog wasn't updating on my RSS feed for some reason. Anyway, thanks for listing me on your blog roll :)
